Singapore Trip Confirmed!

Flights and hotel booked, we are definitely going back to Singapore next month. Yay!


Hubby has been very busy travelling for work lately. What better way to make up for lost time, but to tag along with him when we can.

We’ll be staying for around 2 weeks. We’ll have a lot of time to roam around while hubby’s in meetings during the day. This is our 3rd time in Singapore, and this time, I wanna do more educational sight seeing with my son. I think we’ll do away with Universal Studios this time. We’ve been there twice already, and they both don’t like to do the fast rides anyway.

I have been looking up educational and free things to do in Singapore. I’ll blog on those later, I promise. In the mean time, any recommendations on educational and free things to do in Singapore? Post on the comments to get the word out!