FREE Language Arts & Literature Courses

The Good & the Beautiful is offering FREE Language Arts and Literature courses!

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About the course (from the website):

Language arts & literature courses combine several subjects (reading, writing, spelling, grammar and punctuation, literature, geography, and art.) This not only connects learning and gives it deeper enjoyment and meaning, but it means you do not have to find, purchase, and use 6-7 different courses.) It also reduces the total time needed for the subjects.

  • Connects learning to the good and the beautiful: family, God, high moral character, wholesome literature, and the wonders and beauty of nature and human life
  • Requires no daily prep time—just open the book and follow the instructions, learning and exploring along with your child.
  • Combines multiple subjects, connecting learning, adding meaning, shortening school time, making learning more enjoyable, and eliminating the need for 6 to 7 different courses. Reading, writing, literature, spelling, grammar & punctuation, vocabulary, geography, and art are all in one course!
  • Emphasizes literature of the highest literary and moral merit.
  • Full phonics reading program creates excellent readers. Phonics instruction is included through Level 3.
  • Strong writing program creates excellent writers!
  • Thorough and advanced courses leave no gaps! There is no need to supplement.
  • Levels 1-5 are available as free PDF downloads!

We’re planning to do the Level 5 this school year instead of Voyages in English. Has anyone tried it yet? Any feedback?